19 March 2025

Albie's Encore

 At Estia Health Albury, we are lucky to have Albie as part of our community.  

 At Estia Health Albury, we are lucky to have Albie as part of our community.  

Warm and full of stories, Albie has a deep love for music that has been with him since childhood. A drummer from the age of 12, his talent has taken him across Australia and beyond, playing in various bands throughout his life.

Although he has long retired from professional playing, music has remained at the heart of who Albie is. His drum kit, though unassembled, has a special place in his room at Estia Health and the stories of his performances live on in his conversations with employees and fellow residents.  

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Recently, something wonderful happened that brought a new spark to Albie’s life. The members of his last band, musicians he had performed with for years across Albury and Melbourne, reached out to Tammy, Albury’s Lifestyle Coordinator with a special request: to reunite with Albie for one final performance together.

When Tammy shared the news with Albie, his reaction was a mix of excitement and emotion. Over a couple of weeks, Tammy worked closely with the band members to make this meaningful reunion possible.

A special kind of excitement could be felt in the home on the day of the musical reunion. As the band members carefully set up Albie’s drums, he stood right beside them, giving clear direction on exactly how he wanted his instrument arranged – a reflection of the professional musician he has always been.

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What followed was nothing short of magical. For over two hours, Albie and his band filled our home with music. Albie played with confidence and joy, and a smile that reached from ear to ear. Residents and employees were moved to tears witnessing this meaningful moment.

When the show ended, Albie was understandably tired but triumphant. "I've still got it.”

For Albie, being a drummer isn’t something he used to do, it’s who he is. By creating opportunities for our residents to reconnect with what matters most to them, we celebrate their ongoing stories rather than just their past ones.