News at Estia Health

We like to share news about life in our homes, whether it’s our residents’ experiences, our caring and compassionate people or our community connections.

Estia Health opens its brand new aged care home in St Ives

Media releases

21 December 2023

Estia Health opens its brand new aged care home in St Ives

We are proud to announce the opening of our new home in Northern Sydney.

Ownership of Estia Health formally transferred to Bain Capital

Media releases

15 December 2023

Ownership of Estia Health formally transferred to Bain Capital

Estia Health announces that ownership of the Company transferred to Bain Capital on Friday 15 December 2023.

EstiaAcademy partners win Diamond status at LearnX® Awards 2023

Our people

11 December 2023

EstiaAcademy partners win Diamond status at LearnX® Awards 2023

We have recently partnered with external content and learning design experts, Obvious Choice and Lucid Virtual Solutions, who have been awarded Diamond Status at LearnX® Awards 2023.

Lifestyle Masterclasses are a huge hit

Our people

04 December 2023

Lifestyle Masterclasses are a huge hit

At Estia Health the staff in our homes undertake continuous learning. Whether it’s our nursing staff, chefs or in this case, our Lifestyle Coordinators who have recently been attending their yearly two-day masterclass in each state. Their aim is to learn new and innovative ways to deliver a memorable and engaging experience for the resident each and every time.

Slow-cooked lamb korma with toasted coconut and mint

Our homes

17 October 2023

Slow-cooked lamb korma with toasted coconut and mint

Spring is synonymous with spring lamb and this recipe is a favourite for our residents across all of our homes. So this October we bring you a special from our own cookbook.

A new hobby sprouts in our Werribee gardens

Our residents

15 October 2023

A new hobby sprouts in our Werribee gardens

Every season our Lifestyle Coordinators sit with Brian to determine what veggies he would like to grow; he chooses something different each season. Read more about how Brian discovered a new hobby.