We understand aged care is not an easy decision
Moving home is a big decision, especially when it comes to residential aged care. You may feel many mixed emotions – fear, anxiety, guilt, loss or even relief and sometimes these are felt all at once. We understand this and want to support you through this change.
It is important that you make the right decision as accommodation options may differ depending on your needs and budget.
This step-by-step guide aims to help you through the process from your initial enquiry to moving in to your new home and all the steps along the way. You will find information on how to determine your eligibility, finding the right home for you, understanding the costs, applying to a home and finally moving in. We will provide you with handy checklists to make it as easy as possible to navigate this important change.
At Estia Health we have helped thousands of people make the move into aged care by offering support, guidance and ensuring you have all the information you need to make the right decision for you. We look forward to assisting you.

Step 1 - Get in touch with us
Finding out if you are eligible for Australian Government funding means obtaining all the right information. Our team of dedicated client relations managers are able to help answer all your questions about funding and fees. Contact us on 1300 682 833 and we can discuss the type of care or service you would benefit from. To get you started, we’ve outlined information on the types of services we offer and what Government subsidies are available to support your care.
Our team will guide you through the process of residential aged care entry, including the need for an ACAT assessment. This is one of the first things you will need to do to determine your ability to access funded residential aged care.
The assessment is conducted by an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT*). Aged Care Assessment Teams are teams of health professionals such as doctors, nurses or social workers who provide information, advice and assistance to older people who are having difficulty living at home.
To find an ACAT, call My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 or visit My Aged Care. Alternatively, your doctor or health centre can provide a referral to the ACAT nearest to you. If the circumstances are an emergency, Estia Health can organise an assessment with the ACAT team on your behalf.
* Aged Care Assessment Teams are known as Aged Care Assessment Services (ACAS) in Victoria.

Step 2 - Come in and say hello
Come in and say hello to our Estia Health team at your local home. You don’t need to make a booking – we welcome you to visit at any time and one of our friendly team will greet you. If you would like to make a booking, please either contact our homes directly or make a booking enquiry.
When you visit one of our homes, you will be able to view accommodation options, our living areas, see examples of our events and activities, join us for a coffee and sample our delicious menu, and importantly meet our team of caring, experienced aged care professionals. We encourage you to ask as many questions as possible, especially regarding your particular situation and how we can ensure our care meets your specific needs. Our handy checklist provides you with some questions you might like to ask.
We look forward to welcoming you into our Estia Health homes.

Step 3 - Understand the costs
At Estia Health we understand that moving into residential aged care is a major investment, both financially and emotionally.
For peace of mind, it’s important that you understand the different fees and charges as not all fees necessarily apply to everyone and what applies to you will depend on your individual financial situation.
An income and assets assessment will need to be completed to determine the amount needed to pay to access aged care services. Centrelink or Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) may need to be contacted for an assessment to be conducted. This can sometimes take time, in the meantime we are able to support you with interim arrangements.
Contact us on 1300 682 833 to find out more.
Read understanding costs for more detailed information.

Step 4 - Time to apply
When you are ready to apply to Estia Health, our team will make it as easy as possible. To start the application process, you will need to complete an application form. We welcome you to make an appointment with the team at your chosen homes who will be happy to assist and provide you with the paperwork you will need.
If you have been clinically assessed, we will need a copy of your report. If not, we can help you obtain a copy. We will also ensure you have completed your Combined Income and Asset assessment. This needs to be provided to Centrelink or the Department of Veteran Affairs (DVA) for assessment.
Once the application is complete, we will send you a resident agreement which you will need to read and sign. We recommend seeking independent advice prior to signing the agreement.
If you are unsure about any stage in the application process, please call the home in which you are applying or call 1300 682 833 and we will assist you.

Step 5 - Moving in
We look forward to welcoming you into your new home. We will be able to confirm the moving in date once we have received the signed resident agreement and all completed paperwork.
Moving in can mean experiencing mixed emotions. We understand this and our team will make every effort to help you settle into your new home, get to know you and what you love to do, so that we can ensure you are comfortable as quickly as possible.
We encourage personalisation of your room – you can hang pictures, bring your favourite piece of furniture, change the curtains or bring a special vase. All rooms come with comfortable electronically controlled beds, nurse-call systems, wardrobes, and bedside tables. If you bring anything valuable please discuss your insurance requirements with your home’s Residential Aged Care Manager.
We have a handy checklist of who you might like to notify when moving into aged care.
We look forward to welcoming you to your new home.
Download our step by step guide

Visiting hours
Visiting hours
Our homes don’t have visiting hours, we encourage family and friends to visit as much as they like.
We also encourage you to continue to enjoy the activities you have in the past, including celebrating special birthdays and anniversaries and we even support you to pursue new activities and interests. A number of our homes has special rooms that can be booked for events and our teams would love to help you organise any upcoming events.
We welcome your families, friends and those who are important to you to share a meal at the home, just let the team know so the chef can include you in meal preparation and there may be a small cost included.
There may be instances where our homes have restricted access to visitors due to the health-related risk of communicable diseases. We will follow the Department of Health and government direction and inform you of any visiting restrictions.
Let us help you with the next steps
What will it cost?
When moving into an aged care home the amount you pay will depend on the home and room you choose, your own circumstances and means to pay for the available care and services. Your accommodation and care costs may be partly or fully covered by the government, which will be determined by a means assessment.
Will it suit my needs?
We have 70+ homes in NSW, QLD, SA and VIC and all offer care for those requiring a short-term of longer stay, as well as helping people requiring urgent care. Our experienced and compassionate teams care for people with a range of complex conditions, including people living with dementia, as well as those requiring palliative and end-of-life-care.
What are the next steps?
Moving home is a big decision, especially when it comes to aged care. Let us guide you through the process step-by-step with the right information at the right time. We will support you from your initial enquiry, answering your questions on the types of care we offer, the costs involved through to when you're ready to move into your new home.