Clinical Care
Providing safe, supportive care tailored to each unique individual

How we care
Every person that comes into our care will have their own individual care needs, diverse background and life experiences. When moving into one of our homes, we focus on you as a unique individual to support you to live your life while in our home. This involves looking at all aspects of your life, your preferences and care needs, including physical and mental health and working closely with you and those who are important to you.
The majority of residents in our care have a diagnosis of dementia or a serious chronic condition that requires high-level clinical care and management, with many requiring dementia care or palliative care. Our experienced teams of clinicians lead and coordinate residents’ often complex care in partnership with GPs, local Primary Health Networks, allied health professionals, community nurses and specialists.
Our team will work closely with those who are important to you to make the move into our homes as smooth as possible, understanding that it can be a very unsettling and worrying time. We will arrange a meeting with the clinical care team to discuss your unique care plan that details medication, pain management programs, other allied services such as physiotherapy, pharmacy, podiatry, optometry and dental and dietary requirements and broader background, all relevant to supporting you and delivering care. You’ll then meet the rest of the team, including the home’s catering team to discuss dietary requirements and your preferences, before getting to know the lifestyle team, who will chat to you about your interests and hobbies.

Safe and supported
As a resident in our homes, your safety is at the core of the care we deliver and we are focused on caring for all aspects, both physically and mentally.
As a residential aged care provider, we are government accredited and are required to meet eight Aged Care Standards with 42 stringent individual requirements. Our teams constantly review and assess resident care, looking at opportunities to deliver care that meets every resident’s needs to provide you with the best experience possible. This is supported by consistent policies and procedures across our 70+ homes, overseen by regional clinical quality teams who monitor, assess and report on care using a range of clinical performance indicators.
We have quality-focused committees that include a Quality Improvement Committee, to continuously review and assess care systems and processes and look at opportunities for improvement. There is also the Clinical Governance Committee which includes highly experienced professionals, including external healthcare representatives with expertise across a range of specialties.

Experienced, compassionate care teams
Our homes have experienced and compassionate care teams, many with extensive experience in the healthcare sector. Clinical care is overseen by a Care Director ensuring the best possible clinical outcomes and a true resident-centred care approach. Their team includes qualified Registered Nurses and Enrolled Nurses focused on the safety and overall wellbeing of residents. Our teams are experienced and receive continuous education opportunities, including medication and pain management, wound care, dementia and palliative care. When you visit one of our homes, please ask to meet our clinical care team who will be happy to talk to you about your care needs.
Estia Health’s care teams are supported by a national care quality team, who educate, guide and support our home care teams with all aspects of care. Roles include Quality Business Partners and Clinical Development Partners who are experienced clinicians and are tasked with reviewing care being given, conducting audits and offering ongoing education and support. Their roles act as a conduit between our homes and governance committees, ensuring residents have a choice in their care and feel supported to provide feedback on their experiences, as well as giving their suggestions.

Our response to COVID-19
The impact of COVID-19 continues to be a risk to our vulnerable community of residents, which is why we continue to implement and evolve stringent infection prevention and control measures. This includes a dedicated nurse in every home responsible for infection prevention and control measures and our teams are supported by a national infection prevention and control specialist providing ongoing education and auditing of our homes.
We look at all aspects of protection from the virus, with all Estia Health employees* in our homes having received both doses of the COVID-19 vaccination, as per state directions and our residents are offered the opportunity to receive the vaccine through onsite clinics in our homes.
The ongoing management of the risk of the virus to our home communities remains a key focus and we follow all state directions and guidance, which includes any recommendations or required restrictions and it’s at this time that our teams will establish continued and clear communications to give regular updates and support at what can be an emotional and challenging time. Read more about our response to COVID-19.
*unless medically exempt
Frequently asked questions
What is your model of care?
We have a resident-centred model of care, which means there is no one size fits all approach. Instead, we get to know every individual person that comes to live in one our homes. Our teams understand that each resident in our care has their own individual story to tell, with different experiences, preferences, identity, values, beliefs, likes and dislikes.
When you first move into our homes, our teams get to know you, completing a care plan and other moving in documents. Combined with their experience and compassionate care, residents settled and comfortable, cared for in a safe and supportive environment. -
Do you have Registered Nurses in your homes?
Yes, we have Registered Nurses rostered 24 hours a day, seven days a week in all our homes, guided by a clinical Care Director and supported by Enrolled Nurses and carers.
How does Estia Health support residents’ mental wellbeing?
Our care team look after all aspects of a resident’s wellbeing, including their physical and emotional health. When moving into one of our homes, our clinical care teams will review all of your medical history, your Aged Care Assessment Team* assessment and discuss your care needs with your GP and any other medical professionals looking after you. This will include any care you require to support your mental health and wellbeing.
We understand the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have been particularly difficult for people living alone, or full-time carers and that for residents living in our home, state directions may have resulted in periods of restricted visitor access to some of our homes.
Our teams get to know residents in our homes with the aim to understand their likes and dislikes, background and hobbies. This is an important step in supporting residents to feel settled in our homes, looking at opportunities for them to engage in activities that are meaningful to them as well as socialising with like-minded people.
*referred to as Aged Care Assessment Service in Victoria
How do I give feedback on the care I receive?
The care you receive is delivered in partnership with you or your nominated representative. We make the time to listen and encourage residents and their loved ones to speak to our team at any time, whether it’s a compliment, suggestion or complaint.
Our homes have regular resident and relative meetings, which can be a good opportunity to discuss ideas or feedback regarding the home. Alternatively, you’re welcome to reach out via any of the following ways:
- Speak with the Registered Nurse in charge as your first point of contact
- Arrange to meet with the Regional Aged Care Manager of the home, either in person, by phone, or by completing the feedback forms located in the home’s reception area
- We carry out regular customer engagement surveys in our homes.
If you have a complaint or are unhappy with the care you’re receiving or the outcome of your discussion, you can contact:
- The Regional Manager or contact Estia Health’s National Quality team through email feedback@estiahealth.com.au or phone 1300 682 833
In the event you’re not happy with the steps taken by Estia Health, you can seek assistance from
- Advocacy services or the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission: if after raising your complaint or concerns with Estia Health, you feel your feedback has not been addressed, you can contact the local advocacy group or the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission online at agedcarequality.gov.au or by calling 1800 951 822
Thank you to our residents and employees that feature on our website.